Monday, January 25, 2010

You can call me Miss Poppins.


That's how many children I'm now in charge of.
Scary? Of course. Incredible? Absolutely!

I started nannying today.  I'm definitely loving it! It's cuh-razy but so, so fun! I feel like I have gone from
0-60 in 3.5. This morning, I was a lazy college student griping about how her ridiculous roommates feel the need to mess with her laundry and ruin her clothes. Fast forward 10 hours, and I'm coordinating baths, doling out goldfish, reading storybooks, signing off homework, and kissing boo-boos better.

I feel like superwoman.

The house is finally silent, and I'm basking in it. Though I normally have music playing as a background to every moment of my life, I am content to hear the clicking of my keys, and nothing else.  I know it's only 7 short hours before I hit the ground running, but for now I just sit.

I just heard a rustling noise from the general direction of the children's room and I nearly had a heart attack. I. Must. Sleep.

P.S. This is day 2 in a row.... let's see if I can make it 8 more. :)


  1. 6 kids? Heaven help you.

    I pray you have pleasant children and cooperative parents who back you up 100%

  2. Yes, Yes, and Yes. :) They are a great family! It gets a little crazy, but I love them all the same!


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