Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hey, It's Okay!

It's time for another Hey, It's OK Friday Saturday! Inspired by Amber!!

Hey, It's OK....

..... if I ignored my blog for many months because I was working two jobs while in school full time.

..... if I cry over having to let a job offer in Manhattan slip by, even though the job I already have will be wonderful and rewarding.

..... if I really really really really want to spend all of my summer earnings (that are supposed to be for school) on a week-long trip to Disneyland!

..... if I blog even though I have 57 things on my to-do list before I move in exactly 3 weeks!

..... to be super excited to move back to the humidity!!! :) (That's not even sarcastic. I really do love it)

..... to be looking forward to my summer job (at a summer camp, as a rock climbing instructor) even if I feel under-qualified and unprepared.

..... to spend hours hanging out with my best cousin Jennifer almost every day in an attempt to avoid my responsibilities.