Saturday, January 26, 2013

Frugality Boot Camp 2013

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend Frugality Boot Camp 2013, hosted by Jordan Page, the Fun, Cheap or Free Queen. What a beautiful event! There were delicious snacks, a lunch provided, and tons of great information. Jordan and her husband Bubba shared information on how they budget, how they split financial responsibilities in their marriage, how to be fashionable on a budget, and how to get the best prices on things like groceries, travel, and so much more!

It truly was an amazing chance for me to be in a place with a hundred other people who share my goal of being, and staying, completely out of debt. I learned a lot of great things, but the most valuable thing I got out of it was the motivation. I feel so pumped, and ready to start saving money.

What did I take away from this?

I feel blessed to be in the situation I am in, rather than the situation many of the people there find themselves in. I am not deeply in debt, or on the verge of losing my house or wrecking my credit score. I am just a college student with a small amount of student loans, who is about to graduate it a not-very-stable job market. I want to save as much money as I can while I still have a job, health benefits, and all the other great things that come with being a student. I want to have a good chunk of money saved up, so if I don't immediately find a job with benefits, or have to pay moving expenses, I'm covered. I am also driving a 17-year-old car that is nearing the end of it's life, and I don't currently have any money saved up if I need a down payment on short notice.

Now what? What can I do to turn that motivation into action? I really do make enough money to cover all my needs, and save a chunk each month; however, I tend to spend too much money on my "wants" instead of saving it. That needs to change. I need to realize that giving up some of the activities with friends will be a bummer, but in the long run, if I am in a good financial place it will be SO worth it.

I spent a few hours the other day looking at the money I have spent over the last few months, and I have definitely found some places I can cut back. I just have to do it. Sounds simple, right? It will be tough, but if I keep myself accountable and motivated, I can do it!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hey, It's Ok Tuesdays!

It's time for another Hey, It's Ok Tuesday!

Hey, It's OK . . .

.... To waste your weekend watching movies, not working out, when you house-sit for someone with a home theater room and home gym.

.... To think that two weeks is the perfect amount of time to own a dog.

.... To only have the desire to cook when you are in a beautiful, organized, well-stocked kitchen.

.... To already be looking forward to finals, when it's only the third week of the semester.

.... To watch a sappy movie at the end of a crappy day, just because you need a good cry and a happy ending.

.... To do things that irritate the toddler you nanny, just cuz she's so cute when she gets mad at you!

.... To take a hot shower 'til the water runs cold.

Friday, January 18, 2013


I like to think I'm an intelligent person. To be honest, I have an IQ that lands me squarely in the "genius" category. I've been a math tutor for seven years.

I like to think I have a pretty good grasp of the English language.

I sometimes think of myself as a bit of a grammar snob. Not the kind that goes around correcting everyone and acting superior, just the kind that reads bad grammar and silently judges the person who wrote it. :) When people use the wrong your/you're or their/there/they're, it's mildly irritating. My biggest pet peeve is when people say "a whole nother." Yeah, "nother" is definitely not a word.

Nothing can humble this self-proclaimed grammar snob faster than the realization that I completely bombed a basic grammar quiz.

I'm sorry, what? I failed?


Apparently, I have no place to judge anyone else's grammar, because mine needs some serious work.

In my Business Comm. class, the first test of the semester is a huge grammar exam. The second test is the same grammar exam. So many people do poorly on it, they give everyone a second chance to improve their score. When I first heard that, I though to myself, "I'll just read the information to refresh my brain, and then I'll get an A. No biggie."

Yeah, clearly that's not gonna work.

Now what? I need to humble myself and study like crazy. I have a goal to get an A on the first test, because if I do, I won't have to take the second one. I'm going to go over and over the quizzes and book, and work with the TA and my professor to make sure I understand.

Then, if I get my A, I can go back to being a grammar snob, all silent and judge-y. ;)

What? I enjoy my self-imposed, not-entirely-deserved superiority.

Don't judge me. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I'm auditioning for Tuacahn on Friday evening.

I'm kinda freaking out.

I just keep telling myself that the worst that can happen is I don't get a part, which (obviously) wouldn't be the end of my world.

However, there is always that tiny voice in the back of my head that tries to convince me that if I never try, then I can always say I "could have" done it. It was my choice not to participate.

But really, I'd rather say "I did." Whether I make it or not, I will go there on Friday and sing my heart out, and whatever happens, happens. :)

Plus, if I audition, I get the reward of a night out with friends. I'll either be celebrating, or giving myself a pick-me-up. :) Either way, I win!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

International Visitors

So, sometimes I look at my page views.

Sometimes, i look to see how people are finding my blog.

Mostly, it's just my followers, and people who click through from my Facebook.

Today, someone found my blog via a Korean search engine.

I'm dying.... Of all the random places?

Oh well, I suppose whoever you are, I'm happy you're here. :)

That's all. :)

Re-introducing ..... Hey, It's OK! Tuesdays

Glamour magazine does a feature called Hey, It's OK, every month. Hopefully, I'll be doing a post every Tuesday. Enjoy!

Hey, It's Ok! ... HATE being cold. It's been in the single digits for weeks. Not fun. already be procrastinating your homework, one week into the semester. be incredibly grateful that you are taking freshman classes as a senior. What, what?! love being single, even though everyone tells you you should be dating more. be seriously considering spending all my savings on a trip to Hawaii. Warmth, beach, family, sounds good to me! blog during class. (that's definitely not happening right now.) postpone moving to the city of your dreams in order to be more financially stable. be crazy excited about the Oscars. Feb 24, people. There WILL be a party.


Saturday, January 12, 2013



I'm a senior.


I thought this day would never come! I'm graduating this April, from BYU. Can't. Even. Wait.

This is my last semester of classes, and honestly, I am just thrilled with my schedule. It is the perfect balance of not-too-hard, and classes-I'm-in-love-with. One of the classes I'm taking is called MCOM 320. It is basically a Business Communication class. I'm pretty excited about it. One of our assignments this semester is to blog at least once a week. (I know, right?!) The goal is for me to apply things I am learning to my life. Awesome.

So after class, I was talking to my professor (whose personality seems very similar to mine. I can tell I like her already.), and she said something that couldn't have been more perfect for me to hear as I'm starting this semester out. I mentioned to her that English is my worst subject. I just hate to write. It's not that I'm bad at it, i just stress about it to a completely unreasonable degree. My teacher called it "perfectionism paralysis."

Perfectionism paralysis.


So there's a name for my seemingly irrational behavior? Never have I heard it so perfectly summed up in two little words. You see, when I don't feel like I can do something perfectly, I lose all my motivation to do it at all. I either turn in an assignment that I feel deserves an A, or I don't turn anything in at all. Which is RIDICULOUS. I know it is ridiculous. I have to constantly talk myself into doing things imperfectly.

Now what?

Now that I have a term to define it, I can better avoid my "perfectionism paralysis." The first way I am going to start, is with this blog. Not only will I blog once a week, like my assignment requires, I will post a second time each week. Sometimes I feel I have nothing to say to the blogosphere because I am not married, nor do I have children, or live in an exotic place, or have a crazy interesting job. But I have to learn to be ok with just being me. I have something to offer the world because I am Stephanie Dawn. I am a student, and a woman, and a perfectionist, and I want to share myself with all of you.

So I'm posting my commitment here, for everyone to see. By writing it down, I am holding myself accountable, and allowing everyone else to hold me accountable. I will be posting, even if I feel my posts aren't perfect. I'm not perfect, and it's not fair for me to hold myself to perfect standards. :)

So here goes. :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

I'm back!

Wow. So apparently I'm a big giant blog-slacker. :)

This year, I will be better. Promise. What I can't promise, is that this blog won't be boring. But at least I will be posting with regularity.