Saturday, January 7, 2012


This kid went back to SUU yesterday. :( Seriously??

Gorgeous, right?
Looks nothing like me, right?
We're sisters. :)
Even though we fight basically every day, I love her guts and I'll miss having her around!
Check out her blog here. She's hilarious!

Lucky for me, I still get to have these kids to hang out with!

She's possibly one of the funniest people I know. 
Also, we have the same (mildly unhealthy) obsession with Grey's Anatomy.
And the same RIDICULOUS hair. :)

Lindsay. She's 11.
She always puts a smile on my face!

I love my sisters. :) I'm the luckiest girl!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to School!

This morning, I woke up totally jazzed for my first day of school. Yes, I am one of those people that LOVES the first day. Fresh school supplies and new books are my favorite!

Unfortunately, I woke up just before 8 am. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but my classes don't start until 4 PM. I figured I'd just clean my room, start some laundry, and then it would be time for me to go, right? WRONG. Laundry started, room (semi)clean, dressed, ready for my day, I even watched a movie. I looked at my watch............... 

11:30 am.


The day just dragged forever. I finally came to school (2 hours early) and managed to successfully add the last class I needed to my schedule. Hallelujah!! Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to juggle 13 credits and a 40-hour work week. **deep breaths**

Now I'm sitting in a lecture that feels like it has lasted almost as long as my ENTIRE day of waiting did...... and I've only been here for an hour. Whose idea was it to schedule a class from 6-8:30 p.m.? 

focus. focus. focus.

I'm starving.

Also, This show is back on starting tonight. You better believe I'm going straight home to watch it as soon as I'm free. :)